Upper Arm Mobility
REQ carries a wide variety of upper arm mobility products for both children and adults. These products can assist in improving independence and activity in the home and community. Some specialty products may be funded by traditional funding sources, including Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance. Other products may require a more creative and individual solution through alternative funding.
Kinova Jaco Robotic Arm
REQ works directly with Kinova Product specialists to help provide this life changing device. The Jaco attaches directly to the users wheelchair and is controlled by the joystick or sip and puff switch. With this robotic arm you can expect to be more independent. The Jaco will provide the user with an improved quality of life and allow them to partake in social activites, eat and drink without the help of a caretaker, open doors, elevators, and more.
Contact us today and schedule a showing with an experienced Kinova product specialist.
Kinova O540 Dynamic Arm Support
The O540 Dynamic Arm Support is another product of Kinova Robotics. However, this is not a robotic arm. The O540 is an assistive device. This device allows the user to use their own strength but may also increase or decrease the amount of lift needed to get somewhere. This is perfect for someone who is looking to increase their independence.
Think you might be a candidate for the O540? Contact us today to schedule an inservice!